Young Men and Women of Excellence » Young Men & Women of Excellence

Young Men & Women of Excellence

Advisor: Mr. K. Kelly

Raising leaders through peer mentorship and acts of community service.

There are two types of people in this world; leaders and followers. The YMWE is a group of teen leaders who want to make an impact in this world by giving priority attention to the needs of others. These acts develop character, create life-changing events and give opportunities for students to use their talents and abilities to make a difference in their community.  When the Club isn’t involved in community outreach they are participating in weekly lessons designed to stimulate their moral conscience, provide a deeper understanding of the world, and develop personal life skills that will assist them in all areas of life. The YMWE offers guidance, mentorship, and a chance to help you find the path that will lead you to your next stage in life.

Pursuing Excellence in All Things

The YMWE Club